In English

Are you seeking for Ruka Ski School services? Ski school web site can help you with that!

Rukan hiihtokoulun kannatusyhdistys ry (RHK association) is responsible for recruiting and managing the freelance instructors to Ruka Ski School. Freelancers handle half of the lessons at Ruka each season. We recruit new instructors constantly upon applications. The candidate needs to have ski or snowboard instructor training from certified snow sport instructor training (e.g. Level 1 in ISIA, BASI 1, C level). Such courses are arranged at Ruka by Summer University of Northern Ostrobothic in cooperation with Finnish Ski Area Association and elsewhere in Finland by Finnish Ski Instructors association FSI. Instructors who have done their Level 1 course (hiihdonohjaaja tai lumilautaohjaaja) in Finland should have a score of 3 or higher from the riding exam and a passed mark from the teaching exam (FSI courses), or a overall score of 3 (FSAA courses).

More information:

Application form for freelance instructor

PLEASE, send at least 1 week prior requested first day.

If yo do not have a suitable nationality, visa or recidence permit for working, the process may take several months.


Please tell us in which languages you are able and willing to teach our customers. On each language, please evaluate your language skills realistically (poor, fair, good, excellent, native)


Please note that we will arrange briefing and shadowing (following another instructor's lessons) for you on your first days with us. This is not paid work but it will help you greatly in your own freelancing work. Please tell us what your planned arrival date is, so that we can arrange the above. Please make sure you receive a confirmation from us before booking your travels.


Please feed the teaching certificate and/or course certificate on each of your certified teaching disciplines in electronic format sähköisessä muodossa (pdf, jpg).

Total maximum size of files is 10MB.

As I send this form I hereby submit my permission to RHK for passing the above details as well as any other work related details to Rukakeskus Oy for ski school related activities. Please note that our register description is available at our Contacts page (in Finnish).

* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Are you already one of our instructors? Please enter our intranet. If you do not have intranet access yet, please email

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